Not to Worry

Ellen is a single woman who has recently sensed God calling her to leave her job and enter full-time ministry which will pay only a fraction of the salary she was receiving. She sent me this email:

 “I began to understand that it wasn’t whether or not I was working, but who I was depending on for my sustenance. I would find myself trying to calculate how to do it, forgetting that God told His priests that He was their inheritance and their portion!

“Today I was supposed to get a check from an elder in our church, but I didn’t get it. God has told me very clearly to never ask for money. I obeyed today and went home from church, trusting God for His provision.

“I had been home a few hours when the elder called. He apologized for not giving me my check and delivered it to my house. I realized though that my fear was broken! I don’t need to worry about where the provision will come from, because God is not a man that He should lie.”

Thank you, Jesus, that when we respond to Your prompting to forego what others would call necessities, we gain the true contentment-Your pleasure.

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