Know Nothing...
I learned the principle of “if God is pleased, all is well” by considering Paul’s declaration: “I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2). Paul said he had not focused on the Corinthians, but on Christ. I began to examine my relationships by asking, “Is my primary concern in this relationship to know Christ’s will and to please Him?”
As is usual after God gives an insight, He soon gave me opportunity to apply it. Someone difficult for me to appreciate entered my life and I was tempted perhaps not to show but to feel irritation. Then the Lord reminded me that here was an opportunity to “know nothing...except Christ.”
I quietly lifted my desire to the Lord. “Dear Lord, my only desire in this relationship is that You be pleased with my thoughts about her.” God surprised me with plenty of grace to love her.
Thank You, Jesus, that pleasing You can turn irritating situations into a source of joy!