More important than a grocery list

In Common Sense Living, Edith Schaeffer recalls that when she was a girl in Shanghai, she went skipping along beside Dr. Hoste, the director of the China Inland Mission. He didn’t turn her away but simply told her he was praying and that she could come along if she wished.

She walked with him a number of times, holding his hand being very quiet while he prayed. She wrote, “He prayed for each missionary in the China Inland Mission, and for each of their children by name. He had the list with him, and he went through it. It was not just a recitation of names; he cared about each person and knew something of their needs. He felt this was his work.”

“The list of ministers in our church lasts me 200 miles,” someone said referring to the way he spends some of his many hours on the road. Most of us realize the value of taking a grocery list with us to the grocery store, and it occurred to me that when approaching God, I should be at least as prepared as I am when I go to the store. The more accessible I keep the list, the more I can use it throughout the day.

Could it be that some day we’ll say, “But, Lord, if I had known You were going to answer all those prayers, I would have prayed more; I would have put more people on my list.”

Thank You, Jesus, that I still have time to touch others with my love and prayer.

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