Expressing Love at Lunch

Aletha HinthornI asked a friend why she had quit going to church. “I didn’t feel loved any more,” she gave as her reason. Her words may simply be an excuse, but I've asked myself, “Would I be acting differently if I didn't love her? What am I doing that tells her I care? Unexpressed love is often interpreted as no love.

Expressing love is a matter of being sensitive to God's Spirit. “The heart of the wise teaches his mouth,” says Proverbs 6:23. When we're listeners to the Holy Spirit, our hearts will teach us what to say and when to act.

One day when I accompanied my husband on an out-of-town business trip, I wondered how I was going to make conversation with the woman sitting beside me at lunch. I thought of Christ's love for her and decided to try to use our time together as an opportunity to help her sense His love. As I concentrated on loving her with the love of Christ, questions came easily. Within minutes she was sharing her difficulties in finding friends in her new neighborhood and her unhappiness with her job. We parted that day as friends.

Dear Jesus, teach me to allow You to love others through me.

"The only that that counts is faith expressing itself through love" (Galatians 5:6).

Today's Prayer Request
Pray that the Lord will provide ways for women to be discipled and that they will continue to grow in their faith.

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