You Are Precious to Him
Immediately after the meeting, a young mother came up and said earnestly, "You said that older women are asking what they can do for the Lord. Will you tell them we younger women need them to pray for us?" Tears gathered as she spoke of a too busy schedule, the weight of mothering responsibilities, and a job.
"Tell them we don't have time to pray for ourselves as we wish. Please, will you get this message to them? We need their prayers."
My grandfather, who lived with us when I was a girl, used to pray at meal time, "And when you're finished with us here, take us home to Heaven." That is exactly what He does. You are still here, so God is not finished with you. Your life--and your prayers--are valuable to Him.
Dear Jesus, may all my days be useful to You.
"Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come" (Psalm 71:18).
Today's Prayer Request
Pray for women to have a spirit of honesty and humility that gives the Holy Spirit access to their hearts. Pray that they will see their hearts as clearly as they will see them on Judgment Day. Pray that God "will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; [and that] he will purify [His people] and refine them like gold and silver" (Malachi 3:3).
"Purify Your Church, O Lord!"