Give God Pleasure Today
God takes great delight and pleasure in our praises. I found this quote from a sermon given in 1650 by Samuel Fairclough titled “The Prisoner’s Praise:”
“Now the Lord, who is of the most perfect understanding, and deepest skill and knowledge, declares himself to take infinite delight in his people’s praises. It is his solace and pleasure to be attended with them, either in earth or in heaven, by men or angels; and his soul is ravished with the thoughts and contemplation of them.”
Our praises give solace and pleasure to God and His soul is ravished with the thought of our praises! Selah! (Pause and think on that.)
Could it be that the reason Scripture commands us to praise more often than to pray is because God so gloriously enjoys our praise? On this day of Thanksgiving we praise God, not just to obey a command or to gain victory over the enemy, but out of a desire to delight God.
God, I am in awe to think that You are so utterly joyful when I praise You.
" [Let] the high praises of God [be] in their mouth“ (Psalm 149:6).
Today's Praise
"I will praise the Lord all my life, I will sing praise to my God as long as I live" (Psalm 146:2).