Distracted by a Red Dress
I recall seeking the Lord’s help for some work I had to do. The Holy Spirit was helping me pray when the doorbell rang. I started for the door, but then heard the UPS truck and knew the driver had left a package outside my door.
At that moment I had a choice. I could have shown the Lord I was truly waiting on Him. But, I thought, I’ll just bring the package in and then continue praying.
I was surprised to see that the package was a dress I had ordered and then I almost succeeded in putting it aside. But, no, it surely wouldn’t hurt just to take a peak at it.
But by the time I looked at the red dress and decided it was too large, the Spirit of prayer had gone. The hunger to know God’s answer, to hear Him speak, had been pushed aside by a minor interruption. It was almost as if the Spirit, who is very sensitive to our desires read from my actions, “She doesn’t want Me as much as she said.” I realized I had lost an opportunity to demonstrate to the Holy Spirit how very much I wanted Him.
Waiting requires time. It means that we set aside other things to show the Lord that His priorities are ours, that having Him is the desire of our lives.
Thank You, Jesus, for every desire You give to wait on You.
“And the Lord direct your hearts into...the patient waiting for Christ” (II Thes. 3:5).
Today's Prayer Request
Pray that women who are in bondage of any kind will encounter Jesus and be set free.
You have continued to request names of ladies to bring to Jesus. Thank you for praying for the nearly 1500 ladies. If you would also like individuals to pray for, please email me.