Our Best Intercession

The Canaanite woman came to Jesus begging Him to heal her daughter who was suffering terribly from demon possession. She cried, “Lord, help me,” as though she were asking for a personal need. (Matthew 15:25)

She had soothed her daughter as she suffered the torment of the demon, trying to protect her from herself in her outbursts, speaking comfortingly and wiping her brow lovingly. Her daughter’s needs had become her own needs.

Love causes us to pray as though we are interceding for a personal need. Our best intercession for others is done when we can sincerely pray, “Lord, help me.”

Help me, Jesus, to care deeply for others.

“The desire of the righteous shall be granted” (Proverbs 10:24).

Today's Prayer Request
Pray that each one will be obedient to the Spirit, both those on the platform and those in the pews.

I'm grateful that over 70 of you responded to the call for those willing to pray for registrants. Three have asked for the entire list! Nearly 1500 have registered so we could use a few more pray-ers to cover each one plus those who will be registering in the remaining days.

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God's Response to Lavish Worship


Satan's Two Lies