A Secret of Being Spirit-Dependent

When I began leading home Bible studies, I found one thing was essential if I was to depend upon the Spirit. I needed to pray until I was confident that the Lord would help. Then I taught with assurance that the Spirit was directing my thoughts.

When I failed to prepare myself through believing, I discovered I was looking for signs that those in the class had profited. If there were none, it was easy to become discouraged. However, when I trusted God to help, I could leave the results with Him. The secret was to keep my focus on the Lord and not on the people.

One day one of the ladies said, “I guess you’re becoming discouraged with us.” I don’t recall what I said, but I remember thinking, Oh, no, I’m not looking at your progress; I’m looking to the Lord.  I didn’t become discouraged as long as my concern was, “Am I trusting Him to lead?”

Thank You, Jesus, that an inner looking to You protects me from stress.

"My eyes are ever on the Lord" (Psalm 25:15).

Today's Prayer Request
Please pray God will anoint those who will give their testimonies--Kim McLean, Cheryl Roland, Yori Taylor, and Eva Soulain. Pray that the  words of their mouths and the meditations of their hearts be pleasing in God's sight.

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