The Secret of Fasting
A young man told me of his fast: “When I fasted three days, I think the reward was that I was enabled to be single-minded in my pursuit. The whole time was dedicated to seeking God. I fasted everything--TV and radio, as well as food. I spent the time reading the Bible and praying. I look back and those days do not blend into other days as most of the past does. They stand out in my mind as a time when God was incredibly close.
“My wife also fasted about three days but those days did not mean to her what mine did, and we think the reason was that she continued working. She was unable to spend extra time alone with God.
“I have heard some say they fast lunch at work and that is admirable, but if it is possible to take off a Saturday or some day and just spend it alone with the Lord, I think the benefits will be even greater.”
Oswald Chambers stated that fasting is much more than doing without food, but that it is fasting from everything that manifests self-indulgence. Setting aside our own agenda in any way, whether we are fasting sleep, food, or favorite pastime, is an excellent way to draw near the Lord.
Self-denial that pleases the Lord most is that done out of love. I believe God would say, “Deny yourself, not so I will do great things for you, but out of a longing to be near Me and to tell Me you want Me more than you want anything else.”
Thank You, Jesus, for a practical way to express my desire for You.
“My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods (63: 5).
Day 16 (of 40 Days of Prayer)
Pray for Cheryl Roland and all those involved with hospitality. Pray that each woman coming through the doors feels welcomed and special throughout the conference. Pray that God will connect women in ways that He chooses.