What If God Fails?
“I never prayed sincerely and earnestly for anything,” said Adoniram Judson, “but that it came at some time--no matter how distant a day, somehow, in some shape, probably the last I would have devised, it came.”
All who pray with faith find that God is faithful. Sometimes we fail, but God never fails.
When someone asked a Scottish lady, “But what if God fails you?” she responded with good theology: “He would lose more than I would.”
God’s character and glory rest on His faithfulness because His kindness to us will be on display for all eternity (Ephesians 2:7). We can be sure there will be no hint of a flaw in that display.
Thank You, Father, that Your faithfulness endures forever.
"O Lord God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O Lord, and your faithfulness surrounds you” (Psalm 89:8).
Day 14 (of 40 Days of Prayer)
Pray that women will come with a humble spirit-humble enough to repent for ourselves and for the sins of our nation. “A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.”