The Daily Prayer List
“Challenge people to make a list of the things they want to be sure to include in their prayers each day, and keep where it is available to them. I like to carry a list in my pocket, and then when I have to sit in some office or stand in a line waiting, I can pull out my slip and pray, redeeming the time and seeking to touch others with my love and prayer.”
These words, written to me by Wesley Duewel give scriptural admonition.
Not just once, but four times, Paul said he made mention of others in prayer. “...without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers” (Romans 1:9).
Praying down a daily prayer list has merit. Even when I can’t spend extended time praying for everyone on my list, “making mention” need not be just a meaningless recitation.
Thank You, Jesus, for making a way for me to give You access to the hearts of those I care about.
"We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayer” (1 Thessalonians 1:2).
Day 6 (of 40 Days of Prayer)
Please pray God will anoint the main speakers as they prepare and present. Today especially pray for Beth Coppedge, Linda Boyette, and Carolyn Johnson. Pray that the message on God’s heart will be on their hearts.