The mission of Come to the Fire is to encourage women to experience the joy of a love relationship with Jesus Christ.
Am I Dependent Upon the Spirit?
What Joy Awaited Jesus?
The four Gospels describe the terrible suffering and shame that surrounded Jesus’ crucifixion. For instance, the soldiers bound Him and led Him away. Some spit at him, blindfolded Him, struck Him with fists. Even the Sanhedrin spit in His face and struck Him.
What Ruth Graham Forgot
Ruth Bell Graham tells of awakening at three o’clock in the morning, and the name of one she loved dearly flashed through her mind. She knew there would be no more sleep for her that night. She lay there and prayed for the one who was trying hard to run from God. In the dark, her imaginations ran wild.
Prove You Trust Him
Not only did God tell the Israelites to follow the ark into the uncrossable Jordan, the priests were to take the first step into the river. “And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the Lord—the Lord of all the earth—set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap” (Joshua 3:13).
My No-Win Situation
When our church was having a series of special evening meetings, I was trying to decide if I should do my work or go to church. Deadlines were looming and I knew I’d feel guilty if I left my work, but then with a sinking feeling, I realized I’d also feel guilty if I skipped church. It was a no-win situation.
The Art of Listening
When reading scripture, it may be helpful to allow our imagination to help us see beyond what the words say. For instance, if we read about Mary Magdalene’s washing Jesus’ feet, we consider, “How would I be feeling if I were expressing my love to Jesus by washing His feet as she did? How can I experience that same passionate devotion?
A Well Deserved Spanking
Pastor Dennis Eenigenburg told what happened when he brought home a note from his elementary school teacher stating he had talked back to her. His frustrated mother recognized her failure to change his behavior.
Do We Want Applause or Obedience?
“One Sunday morning, when the soloist began singing the anthem ‘All Rise,’ the message of the words and the majesty of the melody so overwhelmed me that, almost against my will, I just stood up as though yanked to my feet,” Jan Winebrenner tells in her book Intimate Faith.
Joy That Satisfies
A friend told me that when she was on her way to minister in another country, these thoughts were going through her mind. What am I most eagerly anticipating? Is it the children I will be caring for in the orphanage? No, although I loved the children I knew that would not be my greatest joy. Is it the joy of seeing my dear friend? No, it was not that either.
Vision Statement